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Bosnian Literary Adaptations on Stage and Screen


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Bosnian Literature on Stage and Screen aims to reconcile theoretical approaches with theatrical and cinematic practices by examining two adaptations based on works by the Bosnian author Meša Selimović. The book is informed by scholarship in film and theatre adaptation theories, and is grounded in a comparative approach that focuses on the interplay of sign systems and codes unique to screen and stage. The book looks closely at two adaptations: a screen adaptation of the novel The Fortress and a stage adaptation of the novel The Island.


Chapter 1. Introduction
Bosnian Literary Adaptations on Stage and Screen reconciles theoretical approaches to adaptation with theatrical and cinematic practices. The book is informed by scholarship in film and theatre adaptation theories and is grounded in a comparative approach that focuses on the interplay of sign systems and codes unique to screen and stage.
Sanja Garić-Komnenić
Chapter 2. Adaptation and the Adapted Text
This chapter presents an overview of various approaches to adaptation, identifies categories of adaptations, and compares the unique aesthetic systems of theatre and film, which impose their own rules on transposing the adapted text to stage and screen. Theoretical approaches are discussed in the context of theatre and film adaptations, predominantly from the region of ex-Yugoslavia.
Sanja Garić-Komnenić
Chapter 3. Stages of Adaptation
This chapter outlines the stages of adaptations of literary sources for screen and stage. The process of selecting scenes, finding focus, transforming and eliminating characters, and adding scenes is the necessary stages that result in an autonomous discourse that possesses its own logic. Informed by theories of dramaturgy as well as the rules of screenwriting, this section offers the criteria for selecting scenes from The Fortress and transforming its plot and characters into a unique film discourse structured around cinematic characters.
Sanja Garić-Komnenić
Chapter 4. Linguistics and Film and Theatre Practices
In this chapter, the concept of predication—borrowed from linguistics—is applied to film and theatre languages. The premise is that the rules that govern the establishment of predicative relationships in the sentence can be useful in identifying meaningful communicative segments of film and theatre discourses.
Sanja Garić-Komnenić
Chapter 5. Adaptation and Dialogue Studies
In this chapter, the notion of stage configurations will be linked to the concept of predications and explored in the context of adapting The Island for the stage. In addition, dialogue as the dominant form in Selimović’s novel will be analysed based on research findings in speech acts models.
Sanja Garić-Komnenić
Chapter 6. The Island as Theatre Discourse
The following chapter outlines an approach to the adaptation of The Island that structures the performance as simultaneous moments of tension. Tension is not expressed in dramatic action but stems from the characters’ existential anguish. The aim of this chapter is not to provide a detailed and final proposal for the performance but to test the possibilities of applying the theoretical concepts and theories discussed earlier. Specifically, I will explore how predications shape the stage configurations of the performance.
Sanja Garić-Komnenić
Chapter 7. Cinema in Bosnia and Herzegovina
This chapter presents a brief history of Bosnian cinema. The focus is on film adaptations of Bosnian literary sources. Specific approaches to screen adaptations are analysed and compared.
Sanja Garić-Komnenić
Chapter 8. War and Post-War Theatre in Sarajevo
This chapter offers a glimpse into remarkable cultural events during the siege of Sarajevo and their impact on Sarajevans trapped in the city. The focus is on the extraordinary collaboration between local artists and foreign cultural ambassadors and celebrities who visited Sarajevo during the war. Together they created an art scene that flourished under the most difficult circumstances. War and post-war art scenes are analysed in the context of approaches to adaptations of literary sources for the stage.
Sanja Garić-Komnenić
Bosnian Literary Adaptations on Stage and Screen
verfasst von
Sanja Garić-Komnenić
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